MCO Healthcare

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Quality Assurance

What Are Our Values

Our Values

Caring for our service users in a holistic manner Empowering patients to be part of their ongoing care Offering a quality service to achieve positive outcomes in line with our mission statement.

Always being truthful, respectful and transparent in all interactions and communication with stakeholders Building professional and trustworthy relationships with service users, families and colleagues Promoting openness in order to safeguard the vulnerable groups of people.

Understanding that people are individuals with individual care needs Speaking up and advocating for the best interests of our service users The need to provide strong leadership to ensure a sense of mutual support and passion to deliver person-centred care amongst all service users.

Respecting and promoting individual rights to dignity in care, privacy and integrity of our service users. Respecting right ta ndependence and care of choice. Recognize Decpie seine viduals with personal needs.

Attending complaints timely, transparently and in a satisfactory manner. Value feedback from service users, their families, professionals and stakeholders and use it to improve service delivery. Meet all statutory and legislative requirements.

Safeguarding against all forms of abuse Challenging prejudice and stereotyping Promote care in a non-discriminative manner.

Empathising service users in challenging and distressing situations Demonstrating love and compassion in the provision of our services Working collaboratively to improve care through innovation, improvements in pathways, teamwork and more efficient ways of working.

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Our Process

Organisational Statement Of Good Practice

The philosophy of the Organisation is to reflect and promote values that focus upon the individual service user as being at the center of Care Service planning and Service delivery. To help achieve this, the Organisation has drawn upon the fundamental Core Values of Care to develop the following Service Values which will form the basis for considering the provision of an individual Care Service:

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